Whether or not your family partakes in Lent, the time leading up to the celebration of Jesus’ Resurrection can be filled with many kid-friendly activities that will teach them about God’s love in action. For those of us who do practice fasting, prayer and almsgiving during these 40 days before Easter, coming up with a feasible fast for a child in which a deeper meaning can be taught is tricky! The Jellybean Prayer, mentioned last week by one of our Facebook friends, is an activity which my family has absolutely LOVED doing this past week! It’s the perfect Lent craft for kids.
If you’ve never seen these novelty items, they are a pre-packaged set of plastic eggs in a plastic egg carton. Inside each egg is an item that corresponds to a particular part of the Passion, Death and Resurrection of Christ. Along with the eggs is a booklet that describes each item, its significance and a verse that will tie that item to the Easter story.
Coloring pages are so fun to color, but have you ever wondered what else can you do with them? We have some ideas for repurposing simple coloring pages for other projects and crafts!