The Jellybean Prayer Jar
Whether or not your family partakes in Lent, the time leading up to the celebration of Jesus’ Resurrection can be filled with many kid-friendly activities that will teach them about God’s love in action. For those of us who do practice fasting, prayer and almsgiving during these 40 days before Easter, coming up with a feasible fast for a child in which a deeper meaning can be taught is tricky! The Jellybean Prayer, mentioned last week by one of our Facebook friends, is an activity which my family has absolutely LOVED doing this past week! It’s the perfect Lent craft for kids.
There are versions of this prayer found online; this particular version of the Jellybean Prayer Jar that we’ve chosen to do is found on, although this Lent craft is definitely one that’s inter-denominational!
Lent Craft for Kids: The Jellybean Prayer Jar
This Lent craft is usually started on Ash Wednesday… but don’t let this stop you!–There’s still plenty of time to fill that jellybean prayer jar!
You’ll need a small jar for each child in the house who’ll be participating in the Jellybean Jar Prayer. Paste a copy of the prayer on each jar after you determine what behavior each color of jellybean represents. White jellybeans cannot be earned! They signify God’s grace and will be used later… Here is an example of what some of the colors could represent. (Feel free to personalize this part of the prayer based on your own children, their ages and their specific understanding of Biblical concepts.)
Jellybean Prayer Jar
Red is for the blood Jesus gave for us. Each morning choose something that can be sacrificed to earn the red jellybean. It must be something that the child would have had the opportunity to have or do that day.
Green is for the palm’s cool shade. Green jellybeans can be earned for good deeds. Example: It was a good deed to provide shade for Jesus with the palm.
Yellow is for God’s light so bright! Yellow jellybeans can be earned by sharing God’s light through showing kindness to others.
Orange is for prayers at twilight or bedtime. Orange jellybeans can be earned for attentive behavior during bedtime prayers / Bible reading.
Black (or Blue if kids don’t like black flavor) is for sweet rest at night. Black jellybeans can be earned for going to bed without fuss.
Purple is for Jesus’ days of sorrow (or His Passion). Purple jellybeans can be earned by apologizing to anyone we hurt with our words or actions.
Pink is for forgiveness and each new tomorrow. Pink jellybeans can be earned when we forgive those who hurt us, whether or not they apologize to us
White is for the Grace of Christ. It is a gift, and can not be earned.
On Easter morning, mom and dad fill up the remaining space in the jellybean jar with white jellybeans, to symbolize God’s grace.
I hope your kids enjoy this Lent craft and perhaps make it a new tradition to look forward to as they prepare for Easter Sunday.
Do you have any suggestions for family activities that can be enjoyed during Lent or which may have a special significance in our preparation for Easter? If so, we’d love to hear about them!
Lisa Strnad is a freelance writer/blogger, who regularly contributes to What’s in the Bible? and Jelly Telly. She is a homeschooling mom of two, who works independently in Christian media in the areas of writing, promotions and marketing. She lives with her husband and children in Nashville,TN.


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