As seen on Minno Life! We have developed a Family Advent Reading Plan to help you engage your kids in the conversations that matter this Christmas season. We invite you to join us on a journey through God's Word with your copy of the Minno Laugh and Grow Bible for Kids.
Prepare your hearts for the birth of Jesus through the Minno Family Advent Reading Plan in conjunction with our Laugh and Grow Bible for Kids. In this plan you will be able to:
- Choose your own Advent-ure! Use either the daily plan, the weekly plan, or do a combination to best fit your family.
- Build excitement and anticipation throughout the Christmas season, while learning about the true gift of Christmas.
- Learn about the Pentateuch before a family cookie bake-off!
- Learn about Moses and Joseph as you give gifts to your neighbors.
- Come together for a family game night and learn about God's promise to David.
- Warm-up those voices for caroling after learning about brave queen Esther.
- Learn about the family of Jesus and take a hot cocoa break!
- Prepare your hearts for the best gift . . . the gift of our savior!
We hope this advent plan helps your family experience many sweet moments together in anticipation of the arrival of Immanuel . . . God with us, the best gift ever given . . . and ever received.
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